Donate Online
Your donation to the Dayton Council on World Affairs, helps our programming, including the hosting of educational events for youth and adults.
You can donate securely online using your credit or debit card via PayPal. Simply click on the donate button below and you will be redirected to our secure online form.
Donate by Mail

If you wish to donate by mail, please mail a check payable to the Dayton Council on World Affairs to the following address:
Dayton Council on World Affairs
PO Box 9190, WBB
Dayton, OH 45409
Thank you for your support!
All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
DLM Good Neighbor Program
DCOWA is a member of the Good Neighbor Program at Dorothy Lane Market. If you shop there, you can help us earn a little money every year - they donate a percentage of what you spend to designated nonprofit organizations.
Our member number is 876. You can join the program either by filling out a form at the store, or by going going to www.dorothylane.com/clubdlm/goodneighbor.pl.